Post 10: English Language Challenges

I like the subject i think that it help me because it is a subject difficult for me, i did not understand a lot of things of english before to study it, but i learned many thing and im excited for it, for my evolution in english. Also i am enjoy so much coming to the class and doing blogs, because it entertaint me.

Make blogs is a good form to understand and learn english, bacause is entertain doing blogs and write about so much things for example, memories, experiencies of my childhood, etc. I like the way to teaching because i bring to english themes importants for me.

An aspect to improve of my english is the vocbulary because it is small and i have not a good hability for talk or express in english, so it is an aspect to improve.

For do it, i want to see more movies with out subtitles for try to understand the movie or other thing that i can do is could be listening more songs in english for learns new words and expressions also i would like to improve my english and learn with the aplication “Duolingo” for do it more easy and enterteining.

I do not practice so much my english out of the class because i think that i have so much to learn yet. I would like understand more about english, learn new words, trying to talk and pronouns better, and many others things, because i now thtat english is a important and universal lenguaje in the world and someday will help me for understand other people in another contry, so is importnat for me getting better and continue practicing


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