Post 9: Changes to my Study Programme

Hello everyone, i would to start this blog saying that i like so much the career public administration, specially studying it in the universidad de chile but it doesnt mean that i can not being critique with the carrer or the university independent that it like me.

One of the most accurate criticisms of the career of public administration at the Universidad de Chile, it is the little benefit at the five years who which is lasts the career, because many of the topics discussed often repeated many times during the race without further justification.

This is why, in the last years, it has been recommended to shorten the career to only three years of basic knowledge and the last two years to dedicate them to specialize, practical academic activities, professional practice and the qualification exam.

Historically, the career of public administration can be considered a career with many disciplines in his curriculum such as Economics, the study of research methods, sociology, mathematics, accounting, people management, administrative law, public administration, statistics, public policies, negotiation and decision making, decentralization, budget, management of social projects, strategic communication and public direction.

Although none of these issues is treated with much depth which allows us to talk about many themes for it long knowledge, but the problem is that we can not give much Depth in al lof these themes.
Another of the historical problems that the Escuela de Gobierno y Gestión Pública has had, was been the lack of an infrastructure according to the needs of his students. Even it have been known within the Universidad de Chile for it, because it is the only academic unit that does not have its own space to develop his academic activities and that is why also students have always mobilized, because we need a better space.

If we talk about the formation and use of technologies for academic development, in my opinion our training leaves much to be desired in that sense, altough in that line with statistics, the use of statistical programs such as Excel, SPSS or Stata, it is more internalized and in general terms, only the technology in that area is considered since in topics such as the generation of public value or governance, there is no greater use of technologies.

Finally, I can say that the method of study implemented by the career of public administration of the Universidad de Chile is quite good in many ways, but in my opinion it needs to be focused on more practical and current issues.


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